Streamlining Laravel Development with Seeders: A Comprehensive Guide.

5 min readAug 26, 2024



As a Laravel developer, you’re always looking for ways to improve your workflow and enhance the quality of your work. Two essential tools that can significantly boost your development process are seeders . By using these powerful Laravel features, you can save time and effort while making your applications more reliable by automating database and generating realistic test data.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the details of Laravel seeders, showing you how to use them to elevate your programming skills. Let’s get started and explore the potential of these game-changing features!

Seeders in Laravel:-

  1. Purpose of Seeders: Seeders are used to populate your database with data automatically. This is useful during the development and testing phases of a project to ensure that your application has enough data to work with.
  2. Creating custom seeders:
  • Basic structure:- Creating a custom seeder is as easy as pie. You start by running the artisan command:
php artisan make:seeder YourSeederName


php artisan make:seeder UsersTableSeeder

This will generate a new seeder class in the database/seeders directory. The basic structure looks something like this.


3. Writing the Seeder Logic:

Inside the run() method, you define the data you want to seed. You can use the DB facade or Eloquent models to insert data. For example:



  • User::create([…]): This creates a new entry in the user's table.
  • bcrypt(‘secret’): Laravel’s built-in function to hash passwords for security

4. Running Individual Seeders:

To run a specific seeder, use the following command:

php artisan db:seed - class=SeederName

To run all seeders defined in the DatabaseSeeder class, simply use:

php artisan db:seed

5. Advanced Seeder Features:

  • Batching Insert:- When seeding large amounts of data, it’s more efficient to insert data in batches rather than one row at a time. Here’s an example:
  • Conditional Seeding: · You can add conditions to your seeding logic to prevent duplicating data:
  • This checks if there are any users in the database before seeding to avoid duplicates.

Referencing Other Seeders:

· You can call other seeders from within a seeder:

$this->call(PostsTableSeeder::class); // In place of PostsTableSeeder you can assign your Seeder

Now we will discuss Advanced Seeder Techniques

A. Chaining Seeders

Sometimes, you need to seed data in a specific order. Enter seeder chaining:


This ensures your users are created before posts, and posts before comments. It’s like setting up dominos — everything falls into place perfectly.

B. Using Model Factories with Relationships

Let’s create a more complex scenario with users, posts, and comments:


This creates 50 users, each with 5 posts, and each post with 3 comments. It’s like setting up a miniature blogging ecosystem in one go!

Now Break Down the above BlogSeeder Code.

  1. User::factory():- The purpose of this method is to generate a new instance of the UserFactory the class that is associated with the User model.
  • Usage: Factories specify how models should be built for testing or seeding.

2. count (50):- This function says that you wish to create 50 user records.

  • Usage: Use this when you require a large amount of sample data to evaluate the functionality of your application.

3. has(…):- This approach is used to define relationships among models. In this situation, it states that each User must have related Post entries.

  • Usage: Nest includes techniques for creating associations between models and generating data accordingly.

4. Post::factory() -> count(5) :- Each user should have 5 associated Post records.

  • Usage: Similar to the User Factory, this generates 5 Post records per User.

5. Has(Comment::factory()->count(3)) :- This method within the Post factory specifies that each Post should have three linked Comment records.

  • Usage: This generates three Comment records for each Post, each associated with a User.


The BlogSeeder example shows how to seed a database with related data using Laravel’s factories:

  • Users: 50 users are created.
  • Posts: Each user has 5 posts.
  • Comments: Each post has 3 comments.

Note: The details of creating and using factories will be covered in a separate blog post, where we’ll dive deeper into how to define and utilize factories for various models in Laravel.

🚀 Mastering Laravel factories isn’t just about simplifying database seeding — it’s your secret weapon for crafting test data that mirrors real-world scenarios. 💡 Nail this technique, and you’ll build rock-solid apps with confidence, knowing your data relationships are spot-on. Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we’ll dive deep into factory creation! 🌟📚

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Check out this awesome article that breaks it down in a super-duper easy-to-understand way. 📖✨ You can find it right here: 👉Boost Your Laravel App’s Efficiency with Soft Deletes.

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Written by techiydude

I’m a developer who shares advanced Laravel and Node.js insights on Medium.

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